IT Support

IT Support  |  25th April 2022

What Does a Poor IT Provider Look Like?

The world of technology is forever changing, and the last two decades in particular have seen huge changes, with new innovative tools being released...

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IT Support  |  25th April 2022

What Does a Good It Provider Look Like?

In the previous article, we explored the problems posed by traditional IT support, we concluded that in the modern world it isn’t enough, and it...

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Cyber Essentials
IT Support  |  18th February 2022

The Five Controls of Cyber Essentials – Patch Management

It is essential that devices and software are kept up to date, because using devices and software that have fixes available but not installed not...

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Cyber Essentials
IT Support  |  18th February 2022

The Five Controls of Cyber Essentials – An Introduction to Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a government backed scheme, designed to not only help businesses protect themselves from online threats that jeopardize the very...

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IT Support  |  18th February 2022

The Five Controls of Cyber Essentials – Firewalls

Firewalls are the first of the five key components that are required to successfully achieve the Cyber Essentials Accreditation. We will now take a...

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IT Support  |  18th February 2022

The Five Controls of Cyber Essentials – Secure Configuration

The second of the five controls we are going to explore is Secure Configuration. This involves making device and software settings as secure as...

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IT Support  |  18th February 2022

The Five Controls of Cyber Essentials – Access Controls

Having Access Controls will ensure that user accounts can only access the networks, computers, and applications that that user needs to perform their...

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IT Support  |  18th February 2022

The Five Controls of Cyber Essentials – Malware Protection

It is important that you do everything you can to prevent Malware from penetrating your systems. The consequences of not doing so could be dire and...

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